The Value of Membership
HFMSNJ takes great pride in our members and thanks our members for their continuing support. In return, we offer value in membership.
Our dedication is to the continuing development of our members. The focus of our monthly meetings is education and the professional development of each member. We conduct regular training seminars and host multiple events to improve our skills.
Regardless of your membership type, value of membership will provide:
- Access to a robust network of trusted resources to enhance your experience as professional working in health care.
- Training and support for those obtaining your CHFM as a professional goal, such as prep courses offered by HFMSNJ.
- Taking advantage of ASHE resources.
- A voice through the Advocacy committee, which solicits your input on issues for advocacy action that can be perceived to impose unwarranted interference in facility management, unreasonable costs, or duplicate existing rules.
On behalf of the Healthcare Facilities Management Society of New Jersey, the membership committee thanks you for your membership, dedication, and support.
Best Regards,
Diana Barsoum
Chair – Membership
Interested in Joining?
Regular Member – this level of membership in the Society shall be available to individuals who are actively employed in a facilities management capacity at a Health Care Facility. Such membership shall also extend to their assistants and supervisory personnel of other facilities management related fields. Members in this category are eligible to vote and hold office.
Professional – this level of membership in the Society shall be available to those professionals who provide support functions to the facilities management staff of a healthcare institution. Such individuals are identified as licensed architects, licensed engineers and other professional consultants whose firm(s) are active in the healthcare field. Individuals in this category are eligible to vote but may not hold office. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, limitations may be placed on the numbers of this category of member to insure a proper balance of membership.
Professional Associate – This level of membership in the Society shall be available to those who provide facilities related support services to healthcare institutions and whose membership would be of benefit to the organization. Individuals in this category are eligible to vote or but may not hold office. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, limitations may be placed on the numbers of this category of member to insure a proper balance of membership.
Move-Up Policy
Our Chapter maintains a ratio of ‘Regular’ members (including retiree and Professional category members) to ‘Professional Associate’ members. Due to the high volume of applications, the associated wait-time to join is typically 1-4 yrs. To expedite membership, we offer the MOVE-UP program. The MOVE-UP program is a valuable membership application option for Professional Associate category members as it is a way to accelerate joining the group by bypassing any associated wait-time.
To participate in the program, a Professional Associate applicant must find and sponsor (1) new Regular member. Regular members are considered individuals who are employed in a facilities management capacity at a Health Care Facility. It is the Professional Associate’s responsibility to reach out to his/ her network and find potential Regular members. The HFMSNJ Board does not provide, recommend nor give out names of potential Regular members. Once the Professional Associate secures a Regular members to sponsor, both parties may submit membership applications, if they have not done so already. To become official HFMSNJ members, both parties must be present together at a monthly membership meeting in order to be inducted into the group, per HFMSNJ constitution & bylaws.
For the Professional Associates membership to qualify for renewal the following year, the Regular member that was sponsored must have attended a minimum of 50% of meetings the previous year. It is the responsibility of the Professional Associate to follow up with, remind and encourage their sponsorees to attend meetings.
The cost to participate in the program is $540.00 which covers the Professional Associate’s 1st year membership dues, plus the Regular member’s first 2 years of membership dues. Please reach out to treasurer@hfmsnj.org for invoice/payment, and indicate if you will be paying by check or online.
Thank you,
Diana Barsoum
Chair – Membership