As stated at the November Society meeting in Hackensack and at the holiday party, it has been my pleasure to serve the organization for the last four years as President-elect and then President….
NFPA is Proposing Door Checkers to be Certified
NFPA is proposing a requirement for anyone who does door checks be certified. As you know, lobbyists for large corporations have unlimited resources to produce and propose additional regulations and requirement language. Most of the time it adds cost and complexity to our work without providing a benefit. …
ASHE Elections are now open
We wanted to let you all know about the ASHE election process. The ballot page has everything you will need to make an informed selection, including information about the candidates. When you enter the voting system, on pages 1 and 2, you will cast your ballot for nationally elected offices – including the ASHE President-Elect and Advisory Board Associate Member Representative. If you are in ASHE regions 1, 2, 4,…
Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference Now Open
Join ASHE this July in Anaheim! Registration is now open for ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference. ASHE is committed to driving the field forward and partnering with our members to ensure they receive the resources they need to succeed and innovate. This conference provides unmatched opportunities to connect with innovators, acquire valuable insights, and play a role in the future of health care facilities. Join the ASHE community at the…
2024 Spring Conference and Technical Exhibition
Healthcare Facility Managers Association of Delaware Valley, Inc. Presenters Charles A. Schlegel, Director – PA Division of Safety Inspection Lizzie Ortolano, Executive Director, American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE), American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM) Dave Dagenais, FASHE, CHFM, CHSP, Senior Director of Plant Operations, Clinical Engineering, Emergency Management and Safety Officer, Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Past-ASHE President Tuesday April 2, 2024 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Full-day Healthcare…
Photos from the October 2023 Meeting
ASHE EDU: Managing Infection Prevention in Health Care Facilities
Support your organization’s ability to improve patient safety and reduce health care-associated infections (HAIs) by learning infection prevention best practices from those practicing in the field. Champion the reduction of HAIs in your health care facility by learning proven methods based on evidence-based scenarios. Improve patient safety by gaining new infection prevention tools and new techniques shared by experts experienced in the heavily regulated health care environment. Learn More and…
NFPA Conference: June 2023
ASHE MIDYEAR REPORT The ASHE Advocacy Team is celebrating its latest successes, taking on new challenges and looking ahead to possible changes coming down the line. While focused on pressing issues like codes and standards unification, sustainability and physical environment optimization, ASHE keeps the mission of protecting patients and staff, and streamlining facilities operations at the center of its efforts. Health Interpretations Task Force meeting minutes not yet published Topics: NFPA…