Founded in 1949, we are the professional organization of healthcare facility managers of New Jersey. The managers back then recognized the sharing of knowledge and experience would benefit each member and the institutions they served. When we were formed, we were known as the “Executive Hospital Engineers of New Jersey”. The original members were predominately Executive Engineers from the boiler room, which is what they were called at that time. Later the American Hospital Association reached the same conclusion: There should be an AHA affiliated organization of professional members. ASHE (American Society of Healthcare Engineers) was born and HFMSNJ became one of the first local chapters.
Much has happened since our beginning. To better serve a large geographic area, the chapter split with a new chapter created to accommodate the members in southern New Jersey. One thing has not changed: our dedication to the continuing development of our members. The focus of our monthly meetings is education and the professional development of each member. Towards that end we conduct regular training seminars and host other events to improve our skills. We have expanded our membership to include licensed professionals and professional associates who provide engineering, architectural services and products to our institutions.
Our proud history includes several national past presidents of ASHE, and current leadership at all levels of the national organization.
Come join us at our next meeting. We guarantee you will learn something.
Trustees of the HFMSNJ